Populational and reproductive aspects of the Palaemon pandaliformis (Crustacea: Palaemonidae) in a subtropical saltmarsh in Southern Brazil


  • Leonardo Cruz da ROSA Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS) http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4263-332X
  • Ana Carolina PASSOS Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)
  • Marco Fabio Maia CORRÊ A Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)


traps, size classes, fecundity, sexual ratio, weight-length relationships


In this study, both population and reproductive aspects of the Palaemon pandaliformis caught with trap in a subtropical salt marsh were analyzed. Monthly samplings were carried out from July 2008 through August 2009. Higher abundances were registered along warmer months (October to January) and were negatively related to water salinity. This population was dominated by females, which were larger and heavier than males. Ovigerous females were caught from September through March, with higher incidence in December. Fecundity ranged from 27 to 393 eggs (mean: 217 ± 74 eggs female-1) and has better correlation with weight than with female length. The observed characteristics for P. pandaliformis inhabiting this saltmarsh, such as seasonal patterns in both abundance and reproductive period, are consistent with those expected by subtropical and temperate populations. However, the sampling method effects need to be evaluated.


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