About the Journal


The Boletim do Instituto de Pesca- BIP was created in 1971 as the official vehicle for scientific dissemination by the Instituto de Pesca. Its print version (ISSN: 0046-9939) was discontinued in 2011, with only the online version continuing (ISSN: 1678-2305). In 2021, aiming at immediately disseminating articles, BIP adopted the continuous publication model. The articles are made available once approved and gathered in a single annual volume.

The abbreviated title of the journal is Bol. Inst. Pesca, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic legends.

BIP's mission is to publish basic and applied research results that contribute to a better understanding of the aquatic environment and the development of technologies for producing and processing aquatic organisms, such as fish and shrimp, among others. With an emphasis on interdisciplinary contributions, innovative methodological or technical developments, items with broad general applicability and local or regional experiences, BIP proposes to be a source of inspiration, seeking the expansion of knowledge.

Its scope in agricultural sciences includes the area of fishery resources and fisheries engineering with an emphasis on aquaculture, fishery, limnology and related specialties, areas in which it is considered the first scientific journal, presenting a historical view of the development of research in fisheries and aquaculture in Brazil and abroad. The areas of fish science and technology also fall within its scope, specialties such as the development of fish-based products and the use of by-products from fish processing, quality control, nutritional value and food safety of fish, in addition to technologies for sustainability in fishing, with a focus on ghost fishing, innovations to reduce bycatch, among others.

The journal's editorial committee comprises researchers from various teaching and research institutions, all with a doctor's degree.

Open access statement

BIP offers immediate free access to its content, following the principles of gratuity and democratization of open access to scientific knowledge. To maximize the dissemination and use of published material, the BIP adopts the Creative Commons license with CC BY 4.0 attribution. Thus, the copyright will belong to the authors, releasing free and immediate access to the work and allowing any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search the full texts of the articles or create links to them, track the articles for indexing, then pass it as data to software or use it for any other lawful purpose, including commercial purposes, provided proper credit is given.

Archiving system

BIP uses the PKP PN system to create a distributed archival system among participating libraries, allowing them to create permanent journal archives for preservation and restoration.

The BIP allows the deposit and access of pre-print versions and the publication of an article in an institutional repository or another of the author's choice.

Article processing charge

For accepted manuscripts, the correspondence author will be asked to contribute with the Article Processing Charge, which will be applied to editorial services that support the publishing process, like editing, proofreading, indexing and dissemination.

The value is US 30 per final page (PDF) for foreign authors and BRL 80 for authors linked to Brazilian institutions.  In exceptional cases, the editorial board may waive a contribution upon reasonable request.


ISSN: 1678-2305



CiteScore: 0,8


Google Scholar (h5:13)

Qualis|Capes A4

Abstracting and indexing:

Web of Science




