Fishing with trammel nets in the Casino Beach, RS, Brazil


  • Mauricio Lang dos SANTOS Laboratório de Ictiologia, Instituto de Oceanografia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG)
  • João Paes VIEIRA Laboratório de Ictiologia, Instituto de Oceanografia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG)



artisanal fishing, trammel nets, surf zone, Southwestern Atlantic


Surf-zone trammel nets is a traditional artisanal fishing activity that take place along the coast of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) state, Brazil. In this study we analyze the seasonal variations in catches of Surf-zone trammel nets at Cassino Beach, RS, and report the list of fish species caught, their size distribution and variations in caught with mesh size. Fishermen were interview in the field soon after they bring the caught to the shore and fish species identified and measured. Net dimensions and mesh size was also inquired. Twenty-four fish species were identified and Trachinotus marginatus (plata pompano), Micropogonias furnieri (whitemouth croaker), Mugil liza (striped mullet), Menticirrhus americanus (kingcroaker) sum-up to 70% of the total catch. The larger abundance (CPUE = 11.27 ind. / 10m * 12h) and higher species richness (S = 22) occurred in the fall, as opposite to winter, were, smaller catches (CPUE = 2.91 ind. / 10m * 12h) and low number of species (S = 6) were reported. The dominant species and their frequencies varied seasonally. The diversity of mesh size used was non selective for the dominate species (T. marginatus). The main problems involving the use of surf-zone trammel nets is their low selectivity, since most of the individuals caught are juveniles of different species.


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