Utilization of minced fish muscle (mfm) of tilapia in preparation of flour with a high nutritional value


  • Jéssica Ferreira da COSTA Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Tecnologia
  • Regina Isabel NOGUEIRA Embrapa Agroindústria de Alimentos
  • Daniela De Grandi Castro FREITAS-SÁ Embrapa Agroindústria de Alimentos http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3512-8066
  • Suely Pereira FREITAS Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro -  Escola de Quí­­mica http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1490-9883




drying, salting, Oreochromis niloticus, by-product, edible waste


This study has the goal to establish the process for preparation of flour from the Tilapia MFM and assess their composition of minerals, amino acids and fatty acids and the mathematical models for representation of drying curves and the sorption isotherms. The drying of the MFM with or without salting as pre-treatment was conducted in a cabin, dryer temperatures of 40°C, 50°C and 60°C. The flour without pre-treatment obtained 50°C and 60°C resulted in better nutritional composition in terms of amino acids and EPA and DHA fatty acids. Showed high concentrations of minerals such as iron and phosphorus and can be considered sources of potassium and magnesium. The GAB model described better the sorption isotherms. The Tilapia MFM flour proved to be a viable alternative to adding value to the waste of these fish, resulting in nutritional product that could be destined for human consumption.


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