Morphological characters and hygienic-sanitary significance of Tentacularia coryphaenae in Coryphaena hippurus from Brazil
cestode, Trypanorhyncha, dolphinfish, fish hygiene, sport fishingAbstract
Coryphaena hippurus, or dolphinfish, is a popular species of fish pursued by sport fishing tournaments of the Yacht Club of Rio de Janeiro, which markets it in its own fish market, because of its desirable flesh. However, the presence of helminths, including in the musculature, results in commercial losses due to their repugnant appearance. The aim of this investigation was to identify taxonomically these helminthes using morphometric and morphological data from analyses using optical and scanning electron microscopy, and to determine their hygienic-sanitary significance. Seven specimens of C. hippurus collected in January and November 2014 were necropsied and had their organs investigated. The helminths encountered included plerocercoids of Tentacularia coryphaenae, a trypanorhynch cestode. The seven specimens of C. hippurus were parasitized by a total of 204 plerocercoids, with infection sites being musculature, mesentery, stomach and liver serosa. Besides the repugnance of these parasites, the presence of plerocercoids is worrisome because of the potential risk of allergic reactions by humans, thereby reinforcing the hygienic-sanitary significance of monitoring of these parasites.
species (Perciformes: Scombridae), from the coastal zone of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
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