Ornamental fish chain of Xingu River, Pará, Brazil





fishery economy, trade, aquarium fish, Amazonia


This paper describes the marketing ways and the margins of trade of five species of ornamental fish species, which are caught on the Xingu River, State of Pará, Brazil. Data collection was carried out intentionally and sequentially from 51 actors of the supply chain, including fishermen, wholesalers and national and international retailers. The results indicate that ornamental fish can undergo up to six marketing agents before arriving to the finish consumer. The sunshine pleco (Scobinancistrus aureatus) is the species that has the greatest value in the market, being sold to the final consumer at the price of up to R$ 543.00, an increase of 1,361% in the North American market and 1,527% in the European market. The marketing margins are high: 92.68% in the European market and 89.24% in the North American market. Looking at the distributions of benefits, it is concluded that the international market appropriates the greater part of the value generated by the activity.


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