Morphometric, bromatological, and sensory analysis of Nile tilapia vaccinated against Streptococcus agalactiae


  • Rovena Lebarch ROCHA Universidade Vila Velha, Laboratório de Ictiologia Aplicada
  • Julia Merlo FERREIRA Universidade Vila Velha, Laboratório de Ictiologia Aplicada
  • Taciana Onesorge MIRANDA LOPES Universidade Vila Velha, Laboratório de Ictiologia Aplicada
  • Levy Carvalho GOMES Universidade Vila Velha, Laboratório de Ictiologia Aplicada



Oreochromis niloticus, nutritional quality, protein, net-tank, bacteria


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of vaccination against Streptococcus agalactiae on the morphometry, bromatology, and sensory traits of tilapia bred in net-tanks. Tilapia juveniles were bred in net-tanks separated into two groups: vaccinated and unvaccinated fish. Ten fish from each group were collected from different weight classes: 400-500, 501-600, 601-700, and 701-800 g. Measurements and weighing of whole fish and fillets did not show significant differences between the two groups. Fillet thickness was significantly greater in unvaccinated fish in the weight range of 601-700 g. Significant differences were not found in protein, lipid, ash, or moisture content between the two groups in any of the weight classes studied. Significant preferences between unvaccinated and vaccinated fish were not observed in the paired preference test, regardless of weight class.The hedonic scale analysis showed that tasters moderately liked the tilapia fillets regardless of weight class or whether the fish had been vaccinated. In net-tank breeding experimental conditions, vaccinated and unvaccinated Nile tilapia weighing between 400 and 800 g showed similar morphometric, bromatological, and sensory characteristics.


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