Economic analysis of scallop culture at the north coast of São Paulo State, Brazil.


  • Helcio Luis de Almeida MARQUES
  • Marcia Santos Nunes GALVÃO
  • Cíntia Fernanda GARCIA
  • Marcelo Barbosa HENRIQUES



production costs, investment, pectiniculture, mariculture, profitability


The aim of this study was to analyze economically the production of scallops Nodipecten nodosus at the north coast of São Paulo State, from a hypothetical cultured area of 0.2 ha. We used a final density of 16 scallops floor-1 of Japanese lanterns and considered a survival rate of 68.85% and 81.22% at the final cycle of nine months. In these conditions, the intern rate of return (IRR) ranged from 40.58% a 103.99%, based in commercial selling prices of R$ 39.50 and R$ 49.50-1   per dozen for the two survival rates. The total production cost (TPC) per dozen of scallops varied from R$ 24.27 to R$ 28.63, lower than the considered selling prices. The highest net present value (NPV) obtained was R$ 989,376.35 for the selling price of R$ 49.50 and survival of 81.22% and the lowest NPV was R$ 288,209.84 for the selling price of R$ 39.50 and survival of 68.85%. These results show the economic viability of the scallop’s culture, fact that may promote the development and expansion of this activity in north coast of São Paulo State.


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