
  • Thiago José Balbi Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto Oceanográfico
  • Carmem Lúcia Del Bianco Rossi-Wongtschow Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Instituto Oceanográfico
  • Cesar Santificetur Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Instituto Oceanográfico



Urophicys mystacea, Southeast Brazil, growth, otoliths morphometry, fisheries


The Brazilian codling Urophycis mystacea (Phycidae-Gadiformes) is a demersal-benthic species, present at the outer shelf and slope of Southeastern Brazil. Its stock has been declining since 2001, when it became a target species for the bottom trawling fleet, which went fishing between the outer shelf and the upper slope. In this study, we present results on the annual periodicity and deposition time of otolith rings, age, growth parameters and, relationships between otolith morphometric variables and age. Males were 1 to 6 years old, and females were 1 to 12 years old. The maximum likelihood ratio test proved that von Bertalanffy growth equations obtained for males and females were significantly different; respectively, Ct =419.33[1-exp-0.35(t-(-0.55))] and Ct=629.89[1-exp-0.17(t-(-0.89))]. The Potential Model presented the best fit for the relationship between the otolith morphometric variables and the fish age and its robustness, verified by the coefficient of determination values (R2). The otolith weight, followed by length, was the most adequate variables to estimate age.


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