Southern Amazon;, artisanal fishing;, fisheries management.Abstract
The present study aimed to investigate the "pacu†species’ commercialized in the "Colônia dos Pescadores Z-31†in the municipality of Humaitá, Amazonas State, from May 2018 to April 2019. For this purpose, we developed a method for raising a diary database in the colony, obtaining variables such as production, effort, catch per unit effort (CPUE), fishing spots, amongst others. We have identified two species of "pacu†- Mylossoma aureum and M. duriventre - with productions of 10.5 and 9.5 tonnes respectively which generated an income of U$ 22,173.00. Captures occurred mostly randomly, due to the region’s fishing characteristics although the CPUE was higher when compared to bigger cities. We could also find evidence over their migratory cycles from a correlation between the catching sites and the period, where: i) during the falling water (May to July), the "pacus†start to leave the streams and concentrate in lakes; ii) during the dry season (August to October), the "pacus†perform a second migratory cycle, leaving streams and lakes and going to rivers; iii) finally, during the rising water, "pacus†once again move to small streams. The generated information can be used in fishing strategies in the region, reducing costs with inputs.
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