


artisanal fishery, freshwater fishery, spatio-temporal, Palaemonidae


The prawn (Cryphiops caementarius) is the only resource in the Peruvian coastal rivers that supports a commercial fishery. Bioeconomic-fishing aspects are reported based on data (fishing, costs and income derived from fishing) acquired in situ monthly in four altitudinal strata (every 200 meters above sea level - masl) of the Majes-Camaná river during 2019. The catch per unit of effort (CPUE) was expressed in kg h-1, monthly income was estimated based on the average catch values, number of tasks and price of the resource. To evaluate the profitability of the activity of an average fisherman (by stratum), a cash flow based on income and expenses was executed under situations with a constant future, using economic profitability indicators such as the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Benefit-Cost ratio (B/C) and Discounted Payback Period (DPB). There was a predominance of the diving method, the catches (kg) and the fishing yield increased throughout the fishing period (April-December) with a maximum value of 4.8 kg h-1 (December - high strata). Investment costs per fisherman were low, roughly 1,000 soles. The sale price increases with altitude, decreasing over the course of the year depending on the availability of the resource; the monthly income per fisherman varied from 964 soles (April - low stratum) to 6,760 soles (December - high stratum). The economic simulation model showed that the income exceeded the costs of the fishing activity from the first year of activity in all the altitudinal strata, the economic profitability indicators showed high profitability for the activity.


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