A total of 53 tamboatás, Hoplosternum littorale, from the Batalha River, São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, were examined between February 2014 to December 2016. Seventeen species of parasites were identified, and 961 specimens were collected . The richness of each community varied from one to seven species of parasites per fish. The metacercariae of Diplostomum lunaschiae showed higher prevalence and mean abundance, being the core species. Gyrodactylus sp. obtained a higher mean intensity value. Aporocotylidae gen. sp. showed a significant negative correlation between its abundance and the standard host weight and length, while Spiroxys sp. showed a significant negative correlation between its abundance and the host weight. Batalha River has importance as a maintainer of local biodiversity with a relevant contribution to the knowledge of freshwater biodiversity in the State of São Paulo. Gyrodactylidae gen. sp., A. mordax, Aporocotylidae gen. sp., D. lunaschiae, Diplostomidae gen. sp. 1, Contracaecum sp., D. renale, Porrocaecum sp., Pseudocapillaria sp. 1, Pseudocapillaria sp. 2, S. contortus, Oligobdella sp., and L. cyprinacea are parasites mentioned for the first time in H. littorale. Aporocotylidae gen. sp., Gyrodactylidae gen. sp., and Oligobdella sp. are new species in process of taxonomic description by the authors of the present study.
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