Ecomorphology of yellowtail lambari (Characiformes: Characidae) in the neotropical semi-arid region, Brazil




Caatinga, Habitat diversity, São Francisco river basin, Astyanax


The ecomorphological patterns of the Astyanax lacustris in different environments (lotic and lentic) of the semiarid region of Pernambuco were analyzed using 25 linear morphometric measurements on 240 specimens (120 males and 120 females), with standard lengths ranging from 24.25 to 91.50 mm. These data were converted into 16 ecomorphological attributes and correlated with environmental characteristics. The principal component analysis (PCA) explained 81.64% (first and second components) of the data variation, highlighting sexual dimorphism in specimen size and noticeable variation among individuals of the same sex in different environments. Specimens from lotic environments showed higher caudal peduncle compression index (CPCI) values, while the pectoral fin aspect ration (PFAR) was more pronounced in lentic environments. Overall, females exhibited a wide morphometric variation. Analysis of linear morphometry in different water bodies indicated an intrinsic variation related to hydrodynamics linked to sexual dimorphism and water flow speed. Further studies are suggested to investigate whether factors such as macrophytes and different levels of water depth and flow contribute to this morphometric variation of species in the semi-arid region.


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