Growth of the oyster Crassostrea brasiliana sowed on artificial beds under different densities in the estuarine lagoon of Cananéia, SP, Brazil (250 S, 480 W)
Crassostrea brasiliana, bivalve, growing density, estuarine lagoon of CananéiaAbstract
The purpose of this study was to indicate the best initial density for the growing period of the oyster Crassostrea brasiliana, through results of survival and growth rates and environment characteristics. The experiment was conducted from August 1997 to June 1998 and installed in 3 stations around the estuarine lagoon of Cananéia, São Paulo: Porto, Retiro and Mandira. In each station, oysters 50 mm (± 3.23 mm) high were distributed on netlon screen beds settled on concrete legs, in the densities of 10, 15, 20 and 25 dozen/m2. Considering the data of the 3 stations, the range of temperature was 18.5°C to 29.0°C, of salinity, 8‰ to 30‰, of transparency, 0.8 to 1.9 m, of chlorophyll a, 0.54 to 28.15 µg/L and that of total pigments, 0.90 to 29.05 µg/L. In the density of 25 dz/m2, the final height, the survival and monthly growth rates were respectively in Porto: 90.13%; 81.82 mm; 2.64 mm; in Retiro: 89.20%; 76.85 mm; 2.16 mm, and in Mandira: 64.0%; 74.13 mm; 2.18 mm. It is concluded that the density may be 25 dozen/m2 and that the 3 stations are appropriated for the growth of C. brasiliana.
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