Structure and dynamics of the monkfish Lophius gastrophysus fishery of southern and southeastern Brazil


  • José PEREZ Universidade do Vale do Itaja-­­ (UNIVALI), Centro de Ciências Tecnológicas, da Terra e do Mar (CTTMar)
  • Roberto WAHRLICH Universidade do Vale do Itaja-­­, Centro de Ciências Tecnológicas, da Terra e do Mar
  • Paulo PEZZUTO Universidade do Vale do Itaja-­­ (UNIVALI) / Centro de Ciências Tecnológicas, da Terra e do Mar (CTTMar)
  • Fábio LOPES Universidade do Vale do Itaja-­­ (UNIVALI)


Lophius gastrophysus, deep-water fishing, gillnet fishery, trawl fishery, southern and southeastern Brazil


The monkfish Lophius gastrophysus has been regarded as one of the main targets, motivating the recent expansion of the demersal fisheries towards deep areas of Brazilian Economic Exclusive Zone. The fishery started in 2001 and was analyzed from monitored landings in Santa Catarina State (southern Brazil), observers and RVS programs. Total landings reached approximately 8,823 ton, which generated a total income around US$ 20,730,924.00 in exports. The national fleet produced 60% of total landings and was based on the multispecific operations of double rig trawlers, mainly from Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina States, which conducted most of their fishing trips in 2001, in areas deeper than 125 m. Besides the monkfish, which constituted an average between 10 and 15% of the landings (between 2 and 3 ton per trip), the Argentinian hake (Merluccius hubbsi) and the gulf hake (Urophycis cirrata) were also the major components of the landings. The chartered gillnet fleet, composed of nine vessels, directed their operations to the monkfish and occupied fishing grounds comprised between 22° and 34°S parallels and 130 and 645 m isobaths. This fleet produced 36% of total landings in 2001, conducting 30 to 60 days long trips, which caught, on average, 22.3 ton (± 3.7 SE) of "tails†processed and frozen on board. The monkfish predominated numerically in the gillnet hauls, but incidental catches of the royal crab (Chaceon ramosae), wreckfish (Polyprion americanus) and demersal sharks were frequent but rarely retained. The study indicates that, whereas the development of a nationalized fishery for this species should be based on the gillnet operations, such fishing technology should be adapted to smaller vessels, in accordance to the country’s economic reality and to the limited stock sustainability levels.



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