Economic viability of production of the freshwater prawn of pantanal (Macrobrachium pantanalense)
economic analysis, ornamental aquaculture, fresh water shrimpAbstract
The Macrobrachium pantanalense is found in the Southern Brazilian Pantanal. It displays 2-6 cm in total length and transparent color and is very active, which determines its suitability for use in ornamental aquaculture. This work analyzed the economic viability of the production of juvenile of M. pantanalense in the Aquidauana (MS) city to the national ornamental market. The analysis was performed by preparing cash flow, determining the economic viability indicators: net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), benefit/cost ratio (RBC) and payback period, and evaluation of the annual cost-return, with values of profit margin and net income. Cash flow was determined from surveys with investment, revenue and expenditure for a horizon of 15 years. The analyses demonstrated the following indicators: NVP: R$ 305,346.48; IRR: 78%; RBC: 5.10; payback: 1.27 years. The sensitivity analysis of four scenarios (loss of youth, loss of sales, increased mortality and hiring of labor extra) was performed, which affected the economic indices, with IRR between 47 and 14%, payback 2.03 to 5.14 years, however, did not determine the impossibility of the project. For the analyzes of annual cost-return, profit margin values and net sales were 39.53% and R$ 34,701.06, respectively. Thus, it is concluded that the production of M. pantanalense for ornamental aquaculture is viable and of low-risk, and may become an investment option as it has good profitability indicators.
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