Size structure and spatial distribution of piramutaba catfish (Brachyplatystoma vaillantii) in the Amazon Mouth: implication for fisheries management



Brachyplatystoma vaillantii, bottom pair trawl, Amazon, estuary


The piramutaba (Brachyplatystoma vaillantii) is an important fishing resource exploited by artisanal and industrial fleets in the Amazon estuary. One of the first measures adopted for management of industrial fishing was its restriction in the area considered natural breeding of the species. Considering the efforts made for the implementation and monitoring of the exclusion area of the industrial fleet, it was evaluated the assumptions that define its establishment. Experimental fisheries were conducted to check the differences in the size structure of piramutaba between protected and unprotected areas. It was captured a total of 61.08 tons of piramutaba, and 3% were discarded because the fish were small or damaged and 93% had more than two years old. The fishing areas closer to the shore, which are protected by the current legislation, had a higher catch than the external areas. It wasn`t verified an increased concentration of young fish in any of these areas. It was discussed the effectivity of the protected areas implementation or exclusion of the industrial fleet as method to recover the stock of piramutaba.


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