Topographic Localization of thyroid gland of Prochilodus scrofa Steindachner, 1881 (Osteichthyes Cypriniformes) utilizing the radioiodide 131 I)


  • Elza Ferreira GOLDMAN PINHEIRO Pesquisador Cientí­­fico - Seção de Aquicultura - Instituto de Pesca
  • Agar Costa ALEXANDRINO Médica Veterinária - Seção de Biologia Aquática - Instituto de Pesca
  • Pedro Carlos Piantino LEMOS Professor Livre - Docente - Disciplina de Técnica Cirúrgica -Faculdade de Medicina -USP
  • Rubens ABE F-­­sico Nuclear - Serviço de Radioisótopos - Instituto do Coração -USP




With the purpose to localize the thyroid gland of Prochilodus scrofa Steindachner, 1881, it was utilized water solution Na131I, intrastomachial via, in 20 adult and 8 young specimens. The whole body scintillographies showed after 24 hours high proportion of radioiodine in the lower jaw (throat) in all specimen and in the ripe female's ovary too. Histological study showed great amount of thyroid follicles in the conjunctive tissue around the ventral aorta, which once removed cancelled the scintillographic images appearance.

