
  • Kátia de Meirelles Felizola FREIRE Fellowship DCR/CNPq
  • Alessandro Vasconcelos FERREIRA Scholarship PIBIC /CNPq
  • Rosângela Paula LESSA Lab.Din-­¢mica de População Marinhas -  Depto. de Pesca Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
  • Jorge Eduardo Lins OLIVEIRA Lab.Din-­¢mica de População Marinhas -  Depto. de Pesca Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco


Sailfish, lstiophorus albicans, is the most exploited species among billfishes of the family Istiophoridae off Northeastern Brazil by industrial, artisanal and sport fisheries. The goal of this paper is to estimate both age and growth curve of this species. Samples were collected from August/1996 to March/1997 from fishing companies, research vessels, artisanal landings, commercial vessels and sport fisheries. Specimens have been caught by drift longline and gillnet, hand line and trolling. Total length - TL (cm), eye-keel length - EKL (cm) and dressed weight - Wd (kg) were determined for 126 specimens. Anterior spines of the first dorsal and anal fins were collected in order to analyze the size pattern of these spines, but just the fourth dorsal spine was collected to proceed the counting of the translucent annuli. These individuaIs were 107 to 288 cm long and weighed between 13 and 29 kg. Ages 3 through 10 years were observed and a well developed vascularized core matrix was responsible for hiding a high number of first annuli. Von Bertalanffy growth curve in length was estimated using FISHPARM Program: EKLt = 179.6 (1-e [-0.1466 (t + 1.246)]), for both males and females together


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