
  • Elaine Fender de ANDRADE-TALMELLI Pesquisador Cientí­­fico, Centro de Pesquisa em Reprodução e Larvicultura, Instituto de Pesca, SP
  • Emico Tahira KAVAMOTO Pesquisador Cientí­­fico, Centro de Pesquisa em Reprodução e Larvicultura, Instituto de Pesca, SP
  • Elizabeth ROMAGOSA Pesquisador Cientí­­fico, Centro de Pesquisa em Reprodução e Larvicultura, Instituto de Pesca, SP http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5363-4128
  • Nelsy FENERICH-VERANI Professor Doutor do Departamento de Hidrobiologia, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, SP


embryonic development, larval development, Brycon insignis, fish, Brazil


This study presents preliminary observations on the embryonic and larval development until alevine stage of the "piabanha" Brycon insignis. This is an indigenous and endemic species from Paraí­­ba do Sul River Basin, Brazil. The eggs were obtained after reproductive induction utilizing breeders kept in captivity at "Estação Experimental de Paraibuna, São Paulo" which belongs to CESP (Companhia Energética de São Paulo), during the period of January-February/1996. Soon after artificial fertilization, the eggs were kept in incubators under constant temperature (26 ± 1°C). Samples were taken every 10 minutes during the first 3 hours, and after that, every 20 minutes, until hatching have occurred. After hatching, daily observations took place until the attainment of the fingerling stage. The eggs presented coloration varying from dark to brownish green, rigid chorion and large perivitelline space. They were spherical, demersal, non-adhesive, and showed high hydration degree and their diameter varied from 3.750 to 4.100 mm. The stages of embryonic development observed and described began with cleavage, followed by morula, blastula, gastrula, neurula until hatching of non-pigmented larvae, which displayed total average length of 6.0 mm ± 0.22, 14 hours after fertilization. On the second day of life, the larvae displayed total average length of 8.0 mm ± 0.21, pectoral fins already formed, open mouth and intense cannibalism. On the fifth day of life, all fins were formed and the individuals were very similar to adult. On the 15th day of life, the alevine presented total length of 3.4 cm ± 0.39.


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FARIA, C.A. 1994 Propagação artificial de piabanha (Brycon insignis), na Seção de Hidrobiologia e Aqüicultura de Paraibuna-CESP. In : SEMINÁRIO SOBRE A CRIAÇÃO DE ESPÉCIES DO Gí­Å NERO BRYCON, 1,1994.Pirassunga, SP, Anais...p. 9-15.

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GASPAR, A.G. 1984 Inducción del desove, desarrollo embrionario y larval de Chaetodipterus faber (Broussonet) (Pisces, Ephippidae) en la Isla Margarita, Venezuela. An. Inst. Inv. Mar., Colombia, 14: 85-104.

GIRARDI, L.; FARIA, C.A. DE ; SANTOS, P.P. DOS 1993 Reprodução induzida, larvicultura e ANDRADE-TALMELLI et al. alevinagem de piabanha (Brycon insignis) na Estação de Aqüicultura de Paraibuna CESP/SP. In: ENCONTRO BRASILEIRO DE ICTIOLOGIA, 10, 1993. São Paulo, SP, Resumos... p. 92.

GODINHO, H.M.; FENERICH, N. DE A.; NARAHARA, M.Y. 1978 Desenvolvimento embrionário e larval de Rhamdia hilarii (Valenciennes, 1840) (Siluriformes,Pimelodidae). Rev. Bras. Biol., 38 (1): 151-156.

GODOY, M.P. 1975 Peixes do Brasil. Subordem Characoidei. Bacia do Rio Mogi-Guassú. Piracicaba, Editora Franciscana, p. 1-4.

JOHNSTON, I.A. and VIEIRA, V.L.A. 1996 Larval development in the tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum ) and
curimatã-pacu (Prochilodus marggravii). Physiology and Biochemistry of Fishes of the Amazon. Edited by A. L. VAL; V.M.F. ALMEIDA-VAL; D. J. RANDALL. p.43-55.

KUO, C.M.; SHEHADEH, Z.H.; NASH, C.E. 1973 Induced spawning of captive grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.)
females by injection of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG). Aquaculture, 1: 429-432.

LAKE, J.S. 1967 Rearing experiments with species of Australian freshwater fishes. II Morphogenesis and ontogeny. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res., 18: 155-173.

LOPES, R.N.M.; SENHORINI, J.A.; SOARES, M.C.F. 1995 Desenvolvimento embrionário e larval do matrinxã, Brycon ceplalus Günther, 1869 (Pisces, Characidae). B. Téc. CEPTA, 8: 25-39.

MACHADO, C.E.M. and ABREU, E.C.F. 1952 Notas preliminares sobre a caça e a pesca no Estado de São
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21: 129-135.

MORAES , M.B. and SCHUBART, O. 1955 Contribuição ao estudo do dourado, Salminus maxillosus Val. (Pisces,
Characidae). Min. Agric., São Paulo, 131p.

OTERO, R. 1988 Reprodución y técnicas de propagación de la dorada Brycon moore sunesis, Dahl, 1955. In:
REUNIÓN RED NACIONAL DE ACUICULTURA, 2, 1988. Nerva.Memórias...p.157-168.

ROMAGOSA, E.; SANCHES, E.G.; AYROSA, L.M.S.; NARAHARA, M.Y.; FENERICH-VERANI, N. 1995 Avaliação do crescimento do matrinxã, Brycon cephalus, na região do Vale do Ribeira, SP. In:SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE AQUICULTURA, 9, 1995. Sete Lagoas, MG, Resumos... p.128.

SALGADO, A.F.G.; CHAIN, M.G. ; GIRARDI, L.; FARIA, C.A. 1997 A conservação da piabanha (Brycon insignis) na Bacia do Rio Paraí­­ba do Sul. Relatório Técnico-CESP, p. 1-28.

SATO, Y.; FENERICH-VERANI, N.; GODINHO, H.P.; VERANI, J.R.; VIEIRA, L.J.S. 1997 Reprodução induzida do matrinchã (Brycon lundii) Reinhardti, 1877, da Bacia do Rio São Francisco. In :SEMINÁRIO REGIONAL DE ECOLOGIA, 7, 1997, São Carlos. Anais...8: 353-359.

TREJO, A.B. and MARTÍNEZ, F. 1983 Reproducción inducida y levante del pie de cria de cachama Colossoma macropomum, Cuvier, 1818, em la estación Guanapito, Estado Guarico, Venezuela. Rev. Vet. Venezolana, p.17-24.



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