Methods of appropriation and property management of coastal resources: the case of mussels in the Florianopolis Bay, Santa Catarina


  • Luis A. Vinatea Arana Departamento de Aq-­¼icultura / CCA / UFSC
  • Paulo F. Vieira Núcleo Interdisciplinar sobre Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento (NMD) Departamento de Ciências Sociais / CFH / UFSC


environmental development, property management, coastal environment, renewable natural resources


The present research talks about the methods of appropriation and property management of coastal resources through a case study about the growing of mussels of the species Perna perna and the species Crassostrea gigas in the Florianopolis Bay, State of Santa Catarina. The appropriation methods came about through the description of the individuals involved with the resources. They were also originated through the actors’ perception and rationalization of the access ways and of the transfer of access rights. In addition, they were originated from the effective uses of the resources, their social and environmental impact, and the sharing methods of the coastal resources. The management of the resources was verified through the behavior of the individuals involved in the growing of mussels and the decision process. In addition, as part of the management of mariculture, this study describes the social and environmental conflicts and its solutions. The results show that the coastal environment has being appropriated in different ways according to the rationality of the individuals involved with the resources. It was verified that in the Florianopolis Bay there are various appropriation methods living together, namely state, private, multiple, and free access, such as fishing resources. This variety of rationality and of appropriation methods have caused the establishment of many conflicts, which go from simple rivalry caused by access to a certain space until armed confrontations, with disputes for the scarce marine resources.



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