Perspectives of the fee-fishing enterprises activity in Alto Tietê River Basin: Contributions to the management of the water multiple uses


  • Paula Maria Gênova de Castro Pesquisador Cientí­­fico do Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Recursos H-­­dricos do Instituto de Pesca/APTA/SAA-SP
  • Lídia Sumile Maruyama Pesquisador Cientí­­fico do Pólo Regional do Extremo Oeste -  APTA/SAA
  • Luciana Carvalho Bezerra de Menezes Assistente Técnico de Pesquisa -  CPDRH/IP/APTA
  • Cacilda Thais Janson Mercante Pesquisador Cientí­­fico do Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Recursos H-­­dricos do Instituto de Pesca/APTA/SAA-SP


fee-fishing enterprise, “fish and pay” and “pay and fish” systems, socioeconomic and environmental appraisal, peri-urban areas, Alto Tietê River, Brazil


The rural space around the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo is changing due to the processes of urbanization, prevailing the activities with urban characteristics, like industries and fishing farms. The objective of the present study was to undertake a socioeconomic and environmental diagnosis of the fee-fishing activities in the region of the headwaters of the Tietê River basin (Cabeceiras) and in that of Guarapiranga, with emphasis in fee-fishing enterprises with "fish and pay†and "pay and fish†systems. The research was developed at Suzano, Mogi das Cruzes, Biritiba Mirim and Salesópolis (Alto Tietê sub-basin) and at Parelheiros and Jardim Angela (Guarapiranga sub-basin), from September 2003 to July 2004. Twenty-four fee-fishing enterprises were investigated (35% of the total identified) by interviews with owners and sport fishers. Four types of fee-fishing enterprises were identified, taking into account the basic or basic+optional services offered by them, and the technical competence of the owner. The results show that fee-fishing activity arised in the region as an income and a leisure alternative, but that it cannot be considered a profitable enterprise, when compared to the activity in its beginning. A tendency that only the most efficient enterprises will remain in the activity was also observed. Considering technical indicators, the fee-fishing enterprises were equally inefficient and precarious. Relative to the water quality in the enterprises, the high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in the effluents of the ponds indicate a high organic load and environmental degradation, and then the necessity of an adequate management and of the implementation of treatment stations.


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