Reduction in the consumption of effluent generated in nile tilapia slaughterhouse through the concepts implantation of cleaner production (CP)


  • Milena Alves de Souza Doutoranda do Centro de Aq-­¼icultura CAUNESP, Universidade Estadual Paulista UNESP/Jaboticabal
  • Rose Meire Vidotti Pesquisador Cientí­­fico I Instituto de Pesca, Divisão de Pesca do Interior, Seção de Aq-­¼icultura e Controle
  • Abílio Lopes de Oliveira Neto Professor Adjunto Universidade de Santo Amaro, UNISA; Professor Pleno Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP


(CP), Cleaner Production, processing, Nile tilapia, water quality


The nourishing industry is a segment that makes use of high water consumption due to necessity of the hygienic cleaning of the establishments and the maintenance of the good quality of the food. Among the nourishing industries with bigger water consumption, are the fishery industries, which generate effluent around 5.4 m3 per ton of processed fish. This work had as objective the reduction in the water consumption of the processing of Nile tilapia through the implantation of (CP) techniques and, for had been in such a way, carried through hydraulic alterations in the filleting tables aiming at the minimum possible water consumption for two methods of filleting, eviscerated and not eviscerated, as well as the comment of the alterations in the generated quality of the effluent one. In the present study, the reduction in the water consumption in the filleting process corresponded to 98.16% for method EV considering an average time of processing of 3 hours for 32.99 kg of fish, and for method NEV, the reduction was of 97.97% with average time of processing of 2.1 hours for 34.96 kg of fish, thus demonstrating that the (CP) techniques are efficient for the reduction of the water consumption


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