Strategies for artisanal fishing in Alagoas coast


  • Jordana RANGELY Bióloga, Mestranda. Diversidade Biológica e Conservação nos Trópicos. ICBS/UFAL / Universidade Federal do Alagoas
  • Nidia Noemi FABRÉ Dra. Professora. Universidade Federal de Alagoas/UFAL / Universidade Federal do Alagoas
  • Cibele TIBURTINO Dr. Professor. Universidade Federal de Alagoas/UFAL, Brasil
  • Vandick da Silva BATISTA Dr. Professor. Universidade Federal de Alagoas/UFAL, Brasil. - Universidade Federal do Alagoas


ichthyofauna, ecosystems, fishing gear, conservation


The knowledge of the fishery dynamics is important to managers develop adequate measures. To support managers decision making in the Alagoas coast, the present study intended to determine the existence of interactions between physical and operational characteristics of the fishing fleet and the marine ichthyofauna exploited in northeastern Brazil. From May 2007 to April 2008, interviews with fishermen were conducted using structured and unstructured questionnaires. There were recorded and mapped 59 fishing grounds that has been exploited both by gillnet boats ("caceiaâ€Â) and line-fishing vessels. Four of these fishing grounds stand out due to the high frequency of use, but they were also indicated as key fishing grounds. We identified and classified 99 fish species into three categories: reef, estuarine and epipelagic. Two fishing strategies were identified within the area of operation of the fleet studied: coastal fishing and slope fishing. This study revealed a close relationship between the spatial distribution of the fleet, exploited species, fishing gears, fish yield and value. The result was a categorization of the fishing area. These categories must be considered by fishery managers, and may give a better production and help the conservation of fishing resources exploited in the Alagoas coastal waters.


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