Economic aspects of the tuna and tuna-like fisheries associated to an offshore buoy in the Western Equatorial Atlantic


  • Guelson Batista da SILVA Professor do Curso de Engenharia de Pesca, Departamento de Ciências Animais. Universidade Federal Rural do Semi Árido - UFERSA
  • Daniel Carlos Barreto CHAVES Engenheiro de Pesca
  • Antônio Adauto FONTELES-FILHO Professor aposentado do Instituto de Ciências do Mar. Universidade Federal do Ceará -  UFC


fish aggregating devices, PIRATA Program, costs and revenues structure


The present study describes the economic aspects of the activities of part of the motorized fleet based at Areia Branca, Rio Grande do Norte State, which has developed a fishing method for tunas and tuna-like species associated to an offshore buoy, located in the Western Equatorial Atlantic. The fleet consists of seven motorized boats with average length of 14 m, using hand lines, fishing rods and trolling as fishing gears. In the period between June/2010 and May/2011, seven fishing trips of one boat were carried out, which generated an overall cost of R$ 169,215.20. The main items responsible for the variable costs were hand labor payments (41.78%) and fuel (39.15%). A total catch of 26,040 kg of fish accounted for revenues of R$ 174,892.00. As indicators, net profit of R$ 25,926.80; gross profit of R$ 41,016.80; and a 3% profit margin were observed.


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