A study of fishing and educational level of young fishers on the Bonifácio Village, Bragança, Pará, northern coast of Brazil
artisanal fishery, estuary, fishing community, learning, age-class distortionAbstract
This study aimed to characterize the fishing and verify its effect on the school life of young fishers from the village of Bonifácio, Amazon coast. The forms were applied to 41 young fishers, aged 7-18 years. Data collection was performed monthly during the year 2006. The young interviewed started in the fishing activity with the age of 10 ± 3.29 years, often accompanied by relatives. A total of 39% admitted truancy due to the incompatibility of the working hours with the school timetable. Approximately 52% of young fishers with age of 14 ± 3.52 years had reached no more than the sixth grade, rather than the eighth or ninth grade, which would be expected at this age. The school is a priority for 63% of the respondents when the timetable coincides with the fishery. There is a need to synchronize the school and fisheries calendars to reduce truancy and age-class distortion in fishing communities.
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