Experimental fishing of "tucunaré" Cichla (Osteichthyes, Cichlidae), in Volta Grande Reservoir, Grande River (48ËÅ¡25’ - 47ËÅ¡35’ W, 19ËÅ¡57’ - 20ËÅ¡10’ S)


  • Leandro Gomiero Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
  • Francisco Braga Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)


fishing, Cichla, “tucunaré”, reservoir, Grande river


This study characterizes the fishing of two species of "tucunaré" Cichla cf. ocellaris and C. monoculus, in Volta Grande reservoir, showing the differences between the fishing using simple net and that using fishing rod and fishhook, with natural and artificial baits. The use of fishing rod was more effective in the collection of the specimens, mainly those with bigger total length. The kind of bait, the hour of the day, the season of the year, and the climatic aspects were also approached in the characterization of the fishery in the reservoir. The "tucunaré†is an important fishing resource in the locals where it was introduced, and the knowledge of its behavior is crucial to establish the direction of fishing efforts.



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