Rearing of Arapaima gigas (Teleostei, Osteoglossidae) in hothouse and closed water circulation system in State of São Paulo, Brazil


  • João Scorvo Filho Pesquisador Cientí­­fico - Instituto de Pesca -  APTA -  SAA
  • Nilton Rojas Pesquisador Cientí­­fico - Instituto de Pesca -  APTA -  SAA
  • Claudia Silva Bióloga - Fundação de Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa Agropecuária -  FUNDEPAG
  • Tatsuro Konoike Oceanógrafo -  Autônomo


pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, hothouse, water circulation


In order to know the performance of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas Cuvier, 1817), three compartments of 30 m3 each one, into a 186 m3 tank, were used. The tank was provided with water biological filtration, closed water circulation system, shelter of hothouse, and wood-burning oven. The 89 fishes, which initially exhibited 134.04 ± 20.74 g of weight and 26.53 ± 1.32 cm of length, were stocked for 16 months at a density of 0.96 fish/m3 and fed with extruded ration (40% CP). The mean weight and length obtained were 7,917.20 ± 963.55 g and 96.78 ± 3.23 cm, respectively. The equations which represent the growth are: Wt = 12,107 (1- e-0.1214.t) 3.147 (r2 = 0.9626); Lt= 107.51 (1- e-0.1214.t) (r = 0.9696), and Lt = 0.0049 Wt-3.147 (r2 = 0.9982), for the growth in weight, growth in length, and weight-length relationship, respectively. The value of the relative condition factor (Kn) was 1.002 ± 0.072 and that of the apparent feed conversion was 2.64. The mean water temperature was between 26.23 ± 1.50 and 32.37 ± 1.33°C. The maximum values of alkalinity (164.19 mg CaCO3/L), calcium (40.00 mg Ca+2/L), total ammonia (15.20 mg NH4+/L) and non-ionized ammonia (0.84 mg NH3/L) were higher than those usually recommended for fish rearing. The conclusion was that the rearing of A. gigas in the State of São Paulo may be considered as a new alternative to the production of fish destined for human consumption.



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