The use of water by aquaculture : strategies and tools for management implementation


  • Glaucio Tiago Pesquisador Cientí­­fico - Instituto de Pesca da Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios -  SAA/SP
  • Sônia Gianesella Professora Dra.-Instituto Oceanográfico e PROCAM/USP


aquaculture, water, hydrological resource, environmental management


This study analyzed conceptually the question of water use by aquaculture based on the assumption of environmental management models directed to this activity and to the in force legal structure. Specifically, some strategies and tools referring to the policy of use and consumption of water, handling techniques, participative management and legislation aiming the maintenance the quality and quantity of water available to the society were analyzed. The existence of semantic and technical divergences, inner and outer to the productive sector, that indicate strain about the subject of aquaculture consumptivity, was verified. Consequently, the codification of rules focusing the water use, that has been enlarged in its legal and thematic repertoire, also must to comprise multi-dimensional and participative characteristics aiming the optimization of the legal enforcement and the rational and careful use of this resource, including its quality, quantity and functional maintenance.


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