Influence of the protein of animal and vegetal origin on the gain weight in tadpoles of Rana catesbeiana Shaw;1802, reared in an experimental outdoor facility


  • Dorival FONTANELLO Pesquisador cientí­­fico - Seção Aquicultura - Divisão de Pesca Interior - Instituto de Pesca
  • Henrique ARRUDA SOARES Biologista - Seção Aquicultura - Divisão de Pesca Interior - Instituto de Pesca
  • José MANDELLI jr Médico - Seção Aquicultura -  Divisão de Pesca Interior Instituto de Pesca
  • Célio -Luiz JUSTO Zootecnista - Estação Experimental de Piscicultura Instituto de Pesca
  • Luis Antonio PENTEADO Pesquisador cientí­­fico - Seção Aquicultura - Divisão de Pesca Interior - Instituto de Pesca
  • Benedicto do Espírito SANTO DE CAMPOS Pesquisador Cientí­­fico - Seção de Estatí­­stica e Técnica Experimental - Divisão de Técnica Básica e Aux. do Instituto de Zootecnia




In The experimental outdoor facility planned for frog culture in the Fisheries Station of Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo State, Brazil (22°55'55"S and 45°27'22"W), the effects of the alimentary animal, vegetal and animal + vegetal proteins upon the gain in weight in tadpoles of bullfrog were studied. The animals were given daily 13% of the body weight in food during the experimental period (21/10/83 to 02/12/83), being weekly readjusted. The breeding tanks were built with bricks and cement and had the same dimensions. The statistical analysis revealed that the vegetal protein did not differ significantly from the animal protein, but both were inferior to a mixture in equal parts of animal and vegetal proteins (P<0.01), as well as to a specified commercial ration which is a mixture of animal and vegetal proteins.



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