Body yield, fillet composition and sensory evaluation of river and sea fat snook


  • Camila Fernandes CORRÊ A Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios (APTA, SAA, SP)
  • Leonardo TACHIBANA Instituto de Pesca (APTA, SAA, SP)
  • Antônio Fernando LEONARDO Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios (APTA, SAA, SP)
  • Ana Eliza BACCARIN Coordenadoria de Biodiversidade e Recursos Naturais (CBRN, SMA, SP). Núcleo Regional de Programas e Projetos III


Centropomus parallelus, fatty acids, salinity, Vale do Ribeira


The fat snook is a Brazilian native fish with high market value, found in marine water and in fresh water. The present study was carried out to evaluate river and sea fat snook characteristics of yield, composition and sensory evaluation, in Vale do Ribeira region, SP. Nine fish was collected from each environment and employed for body yield analysis, fillet composition analysis and sensory evaluation by the difference triangle test (P<0.05). There was no difference for yield of gutted fish, fish clean trunk or fillet, however, river fish presented higher condition factor than sea fish. Fillet yield was high with overall average of 43.88 ± 2.47%. In the analyses of fillet proximate composition, it was observed higher lipid value for river fish and higher protein value for marine fish. Lipid value was 2.51 ± 0.50% and 0.20 ± 0.14 %, respectively for river and sea fish. Fillet fat acid profile was similar among individuals of the two places, with exception of two saturated fatty acids. It was possible to differentiate fillet of snook from the two environments by sensory analysis. It is concluded that fat snook collected in the river and in the sea, in Vale do Ribeira, has equal body yield and fillet fatty acid profile, but differences in proximal composition, mainly in the lipid content, what may have contributed for the differentiation of snook in sensory analysis.


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