Population dynamics of Prochilodus nigricans caught in Manacapuru Lake (Amazon Basin, Brazil)


  • Michel Fabiano CATARINO Federal University of Amazonas, Department of Fisheries Sciences
  • Caroline Pereira CAMPOS Federal University of Amazonas, Department of Fisheries Sciences
  • Raniere GARCEZ Costa Souza Federal University of Amazonas, Department of Fisheries Sciences http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5620-389X
  • Carlos Edwar de Carvalho FREITAS Federal University of Amazonas, Department of Fisheries Sciences http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5406-0998


curimatã, growth, length-weight relationship, mortality rate


Prochilodus nigricans, called curimatã in the Amazon Basin, is the fish species most exploited by commercial fishing fleets of Amazonas state. Its population dynamics were studied using length and weight data from fish caught at Manacapuru Lake, a large ria lake located along the lower reach of the Solimões River. It was sampled 1,178 P. nigricans individuals with lengths between 20 and 33 cm and weights between 195 and 875 g. The estimated length-weight relationship was W = 0.0636 L2.72, and the parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth curve were k = 0.44.year-1 and L∞ = 34.6 cm. The rate of fishing exploitation varied between 27.97% and 69.23% depending on the method employed to estimate the natural mortality.


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