Length-weight relationships of 29 species of teleost fish from shallow estuarine environment of Samborombon Bay (Río De la Plata, Argentina)
Characidae, geographic distribution, Clupeidae, Heptapteridae, SciaenidaeAbstract
The lengthí weight relationships (LWR) of 29 teleost fish species from the shallow estuarine environments of the Samborombón Bay wetland (Río de la Plata, Argentina) were estimated. A total of 6,376 individuals belonging to 19 families were measured and weighed. The best represented family was Sciaenidae with 6 species, followed by Clupeidae (n = 3), and Heptapteridae and Characidae with 2 species each. Significant lengthí weight relationships with high correlation coefficients were found for all species, which mostly presented positive allometric growth. This study reports the first findings regarding the LWR of 29 species in the Samborombón Bay waters. New maximum sizes and geographic distribution records of certain species are also commented.
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