Population biology of Callinectes ornatus associated with the seabob shrimp fisheries, São Francisco river (Alagoas and Sergipe, Brazil)





Blue crab, Xiphopenaeus kroyeri, motorized trawling


Population aspects of Callinectes ornatus (Ordway, 1863) originated from bob-shrimp fishing in the river catchment area São Francisco (Alagoas and Sergipe - Brazil). The carcinofauna escort originated from fishing for bob-shrimp (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri Heller, 1862) is quite diverse; highlighting catches the crab C. ornatus. In this paper, the biological material was collected monthly from January to December 2011, the last Fishing trailing. C. ornatus totaled 891 individuals, of whom 57.9% were males. The average width of the carapace was 29.2mm for males and for females 24.8mm; for males the catch concentrated in individuals with carapace width of between 8 and 44mm (mode in 38mm), while females ranged from 10 to 42mm (mode in 29 mm); recruitment, taking into account the average width of the carapace, was recorded in a continuous period between December and May, for males and from November to May, for females. The length-weight relationship of the specimens was positive allometric for males (b=3.17) and females (b=3.04). To protect the crab, this paper provides background information to support the planning and fisheries management of this species.



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