Importance of fishing permits in no-take marine protected area overlapping with fishing grounds
Small-scale fisheries, Conflict, Fishery agreement, Productivity, Profitability, Marine National Park of the Currais IslandsAbstract
Public policies in marine areas are often constructed while ignoring the presence of artisanal fishing. Consequently, conflicts arise, and public policies become ineffective. Studies aimed at reducing such conflicts have been conducted worldwide. We analyzed an example, a no-take marine protected area (NTMPA) that overlaps with fishing grounds. This conflict was mitigated through an agreement that established: catch species, vessel numbers, and permitted periods. We evaluated the significance of NTMPA using fish landing data from fishery monitoring program. For this, we present the use of fishing grounds through heat maps, along with the importance of the permitted species regarding: production, via relative importance index; and profitability, through first-sale value relative to fishing days. Results showed that NTMPA has high productivity and profitability in relation to two of the three fishing resources allowed, which are among the most important local resources. Although the agreement established is valuable, it has limitations: transitory nature, and strict rules. Maintenance of this agreement and creation of permanent spaces for dialogue to adaptation on rules are recommended. Subsequently, recategorization of the NTMPA such that sustainable regulated use is allowed should be debated.
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