Diet and seasonal distribution of piranha populations in the São Miguel River, Rondônia, Brazil
Piranhas, Guaporé River, Diet, Population distributionAbstract
This study analyzed the spatial and seasonal distribution of piranha species and their respective diets. Samples were collected monthly from August 2020 to July 2021 using various types of fishing gear in different sections of the river. Limnological data were also analyzed to assess correlations with the distribution of piranha species. A total of 326 fish were identified, encompassing nine species and three genera. The most abundant species were Serrasalmus rhombeus (N = 155), Pygocentrus nattereri (N = 89), and Serrasalmus spilopleura (N = 23), which were found in the headwaters, intermediate section and river mouth, respectively. The stomach contents of 56 piranhas were analyzed and revealed that 55.35% of the stomachs were full and 44.65% were empty. The results indicated that fish remains were the most relevant food items at all the collection points. The results demonstrated spatial effects among the fish communities in the headwaters, intermediate section and river mouth, along with variations in water levels, with differences between high- and low-water periods. The redundancy analysis indicated significant effects for temperature, but not for other water parameters. It can be concluded that the piranha populations of the São Miguel River are distributed according to the water levels and the different sections of the river, though they utilize the same type of food resource.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Eloi Bispo Bezerra-Neto, Raniere Garcez Costa Sousa, Jaine Albino Alves, Charles Hanry Faria Junior

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