Biodiversity assessment using BRUVS in a port area of Pernambuco, northeast Brazil




BRUVS, Coastal ecosystem, Ichthyofauna


Located in the second-largest estuary in Pernambuco, Brazil, the Suape Port Industrial Complex (CIPS) and its surroundings are regions of high environmental and economic importance that experience the effects of constant anthropogenic action. To understand the interference of these acts and the marine environment in this area, to identify its taxonomic diversity and abundance, and to guide management and mitigation measures for the fauna and marine ecosystem of this location, using the non-lethal baited remote underwater video system (BRUVS) method, between July 2021 and October 2022, we conducted a survey of the fauna in the coastal zone of the CIPS area, with a sampling area of 180 km2 and 800 sampling points. Among the 118 species identified, the most abundant were Haemulon aurolineatum, Decapterus macarellus, and Caranx crysos, with a greater association of individuals in the sand/gravel + phytobenthos substrate, sand/gravel, and limestone formation. Although no non-significant differences were observed in the diversity of species by lunar phase, the relative abundance was greater during the new moon. When evaluating the depth gradients, those with the highest relative abundance and diversity were observed in the extracts at 20–25 and 25–30 m.


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