The effect of dietary lipid suplementation to Solea senegalensis broodstock, on the quantity and quality of spawns



flounder, feeding, reproduction, eggs


The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of dietary supplementation with lipids of sole (Solea senegalensis) broodstock diets on the quantity and quality of spawns. One group (DE group) was fed daily with a diet supplemented with lipids [(6.7% more than control diet (DC group)]. The activities of cathepsins B and D were determined on the viable and nonviable fraction of the spawns from both of groups. The number of spawns and the quantity of eggs was higher for the breeders fed diet DE. The hatching rate was significantly higher (p<0.05) in the group fed with DE diet. Some differences were showed when comparing viable and nonviable eggs. Cathepsin D activities were significantly higher for nonviable fraction when compared with viable eggs. The use of DE diet resulted in a larger number of spawns, suggesting that this diet seems to increase fertility and the hatching rate.



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