Abnormal morphology of "curimbatá” Prochilodus scrofa ( Steindachner,1881 ) ( Osteichthyes, Characiformes, Prochilodontidae ) spermatozoa


  • Emico Tahira KAVAMOTO Pesquisador Cientí­­fico - Centro de Pesquisa em Reprodução e Larvicultura - Instituto de Pesca- SAA
  • Valquíria Hippolito BARNABE Profa. Dra. do Departamento de Reprodução Animal - Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - USP -  São Paulo, SP http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0268-4181
  • Benedicto do Espirito Santo de CAMPOS Pesquisador Cientí­­fico - Instituto de Zootecnia -  SAA
  • Elaine Fender de ANDRADE-TALMELLI Pesquisador Cientí­­fico - Instituto de Zootecnia -  SAA


curimbatá, Prochilodus scrofa, spermatozoa morphology, hormonal induction


Semen was collected from 48 "curimbata" fish (Prochilodus scrofa) 3 years old, prior and post two i.m. injections of hCG, in order to verify possible abnormal morphology in spermatozoa. Under differential interference contrast microscopy, 384 samples of semen were examined, being 192 smears stained by Williams method and 192 wet preparations in 0.2% glutaraldeyde. Sperm motility was also evaluated under differential interference contrast microscopy. Statistical analyses showed high significant correlation (P<0.01) between sperm head abnormalities and time elapsed from hormonal treatment. The minor defects plus major ones resulted in 9.54% in average while sperm motility resulted in a mean value of 94.17%. Overall higher defects observed were bent tails and free sperm heads.


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