Growth performance of Thailand tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, stocked at different quantities of net cages placed in populated ponds with the same species


  • Cleide Schmidt Romeiro Mainardes-Pinto APTA - Pólo Regional Vale do Para-­­ba -Pindamonhangaba -SP - Brasil
  • Patrícia de Paiva Instituto de Pesca -APTA - São Paulo - SP - Brasil
  • José Roberto Verani Departamento de Hidrobiologia - UFSCar
  • Elaine Fender de Andrade-Talmelli Instituto de Pesca - APTA
  • Maria Victoria Maron Abujamra Wirz APTA - Pólo Regional Vale do Para-­­ba -Pindamonhangaba -SP - Brasil
  • Alexandre Livramento da Silva APTA - Pólo Regional Vale do Para-­­ba -Pindamonhangaba -SP -  Brasil


Thailand tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, number of cages, biomass, pond, carrying capacity


The objective of this study was to evaluate the productivity of the Thailand tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, confined in different numbers of cages placed in populated ponds. The research was carried out in Pindamonhangaba, SP, Brazil, from February to June 2002. Two 2,400 m2 ponds (V1 and V2) were populated with 4,800 Thailand tilapia males (13.0 cm and 48.0 g) and had 5%/day of water rate renovation and supplementary aeration. Six cages (TRV1) were provided for pond 1 (V1) and twelve (TRV2) for pond 2 (V2). Each 1 m3 cage received 250 males of Thailand tilapia (13.7 cm and 51.0 g). After 120 days of culture, the mean weight of the TRV1 tilapias was 504.0 g, significantly higher (p < 0.05) than that exhibited by the individuals from TRV2 and the free ones of V1 and V2. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were found for the values of relative condition factor among the four treatments, being the highest value for the TRV1 tilapias. In spite of supplementary aeration, a sharp decrease in the O2 concentration in V2 led to high mortality, especially among the confined individuals (TRV2) and the survival rate was 63%. In the other treatments, such rate was over 80%. Apparent feed conversion rate was 1.27:1 and 1.37:1, respectively, for the individuals from TRV1 and TRV2, and around 1.60:1 for the free fish. Final total biomass of the free and confined fish in V1 was similar to that exhibited by the fish in V2, but the net income was 30% higher than that obtained in V2. Under the conditions of this experiment, placing six cages in a populated pond is economically viable, but the utilization of twelve cages reduced the water quality and, consequently, also the weight gain and survival rate of the fish, suggesting that the pond reached its carrying capacity.



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