Use of phosphate like feeding additives application on exsudate reduction and sensorial attributes of Macrobrachium rosenbergii freshwater prawn meat


  • Geni Rodrigues SAMPAIO Pós-graduanda do PRONUT (FSP/FCF/FEA)-USP e bolsista FAPESP
  • Vera Lúcia LOBÃO Pesquisador Cientí­­fico VI do Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Peixes Ornamentais do Inst. de Pesca
  • Sílvio César ROCCO Doutorando do Instituto Butantan e estagiário do Instituto de Pesca


Macrobrachium rosenbergii, fresh water shrimp, phosphate, sensorial attributes, exsudate reduction


The acceptability of the prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii prawn in national and international markets has suffered high restrictions due to their sensorial characteristics are poorly appreciated (it does not show the typical and expected taste, its texture is more fragile than that of the marine prawns, it has paled color) and the smaller yield of comestible part. These characteristics have reflected directly in the commercialization decrease, with consequences on the reduction of the breeding stocks production. Therefore, with the purpose to reduce the exsudate and to increase the sensorial attributes, the effect of the use of eight different types of phosphate combined with sodium chloride and sodium nitrite was studied. The sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP), disodic phosphate (DSP), monosodic phosphate (MSP), bibasic sodium phosphate, sodium acid pirophosphate (SAPP), sodium tripoliphosphate (STP), trisodic phosphate (TSP) and tetrasodic pirophosphate (TSPP); 3 í  the higher punctuation of the sensorial attributes was received by trisodic phosphate (TSP), followed by disodic phosphate (DSP); 4 í  the trisodic phosphate combined with sodium chloride and sodium nitrite was the phosphate which promoted the higher results of water retention and higher acceptability grade of the product.


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