Interactions of freshwater fish fry with the plankton community


  • Claudemir Martins Soares Department of Biology of the State University of Maringá
  • Carmino Hayashi Scientific researcher of Instituto de Pesca / APTA / Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil


natural feeding, young forms of fish, larvae, predator-prey relationship


This paper is a synthesis of the main aspects of the interactions between the young forms of fish (YFF) and the plankton community, describing biological factors and behaviors. The recruitment of fish populations depends on the success of YFF in the natural environment. Thus, the development of mechanisms that allow efficient food capture, as well as reduction of competition or also reduced predation by other organisms, are of fundamental importance for the maintenance of the populations of fish and their natural environments. YFF, which show ecological characteristics different from those of adults, depend on the availability of food organisms in terms of density, size, palatability, attractiveness, biological value and adequate swimming capacity for capture. Among the factors that determine the capture of food organisms by YFF are the fry length/prey length relationship, mobility and capacity of escape of the prey, body protection, palatability and prey abundance. The predation and feeding selectivity on the zooplankton by YFF can cause changes in the plankton community structure in natural environments.


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