Description of the grey-triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) fishery employing portable liftnets in southeastern Brazil


  • Marcelo Vianna Professor Adjunto - Departamento de Biologia Marinha - IB -  UFRJ
  • Ana Maria Torres Rodrigues Analista Ambiental - CEPSUL/IBAMA
  • Celso F. Lin Analista Ambiental - CEPSUL/IBAMA


Balistes capriscus, Aluterus Monoceros, liftnet, gear technology, southeastern coast of Brasil


The need for this study appeared during a CEPSUL/IBAMA meeting. The problem at hand was that the fishing industry was substituting the traditional gears by the portable liftnet that presented higher capture efficiency, but low selectivity, causing overfishing and reduction of the disembarked length classes. The aim of the study was to characterize the gear used in the States of Rio de Janeiro and Espirito Santo. The portable liftnet was described in terms of its dimensions, materials and mode of operation. Two models directed towards the capture of Balistes capriscus and a third, towards Aluterus monoceros were identified. It was not clear upon which population stratum was the gear acting. Therefore, this information was complemented by the fishermen, who affirmed that the device presented greater capture of small individuals. The results were discussed with the fishermen who operated with portable liftnet, and the general consensus was that technological modifications in the gear would not be respected by the industry and that the alternative would be its prohibition. With the fishermen´s approval, the large liftnet was considered inadequate and the continued prohibition of this gear is recommended.


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