Economic evaluation of the tilápia production in net cage, Municipal District of Zacarias, SP


  • Cristiane Meldau de Campos Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS)
  • Luciana Nakaghi Ganeco CAUNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal
  • Daniela Castellani CAUNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal
  • Maria Inêz Espagnoli Martins Departamento de Economia Rural, UNESP de Jaboticabal -  CAUNESP


economic viability, production cost, tilapia, net cage


In the study it was analyzed the tilapia production in net cage in the District of Zacarias, SP, under the economic point of view. Investment analyses were realized through cash flow and determination of economic viability indicators. The cash flow was determined through planeloads of investment elaborations, annual inputs and outputs for a period of eight years. The production cost was determined with the structure of production total cost. The feeding had the highest participation in production cost (50.44%). Economic viability analysis were based in cash flow and showed positive results (R$ 249,330.56) since the first year until the eighth one. Attractive results as investment opportunity were found: net present value of R$ 746,203.33 to a minimum tax of attractiveness of 8.75% per year; internal rate of return of 57% per year; payback period of 1.71 year; and benefit to cost ratio of 3.34. The analysis of sensibility showed that the decrease of the price of sale has a hard impact and could turn the activity unpractical.


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