(Review of some characteristics used in the identification of Auxis species and observations on the growth of the vertebral column in Auxis sp (Pisces-Osteichthyes) in Southern Brazil)


  • Luís Alberto ZAVALA-CAMIN Pesquisador Cientí­­fico - Divisão de Pesca Marí­­tima - Instituto de Pesca. Bolsista do CNPq




The most common characteristics used in the identification of the presently two Auxis species (A. thazard and A. rochei) recognized were analyzed, demonstrating lack of consistence in all of them. The best feature to differentiate the species was the length of the haemal prezigapophysis, but since some variations on the growth of the vertebral column were observed, their structures must be carefully adopted for this aim. Although an evidence of two species, each one with a different spawning period was observed, the provisional conclusion is that Auxis thazard (Lacépede, 1802) is the only species of the genera.

