Apparent digestibility coefficient of diets supplemented with whole yeast, autolyzed yeast and yeast cell wall by nile tilapia



Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Oreochromis niloticus, glucans, mannans


Apparent digestibility coefficient of dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, gross energy of diets supplemented with spray dried whole yeast (1.0; 2.0 and 3.0%), autolysated yeast (1.0; 2.0 and 3.0%), yeast cell wall (0.1; 0.2 and 0.3%) plus an additional diet with no yeast and yeast derivatives were evaluated to Nile tilapia. Eighty juveniles (83.0 ± 8.5 g) were placed in eight 250 L aquaria for feeding and four aquaria of the same volume for collecting faecal samples. Both sets were equipped with flow through recirculation system provided with mechanical and biological filter. Diets supplemented with whole yeast, autolysated yeast, and yeast cell wall presented, as mean, superior apparent coefficient digestibility than control. It can be concluded that supplementation of yeast and yeast derivatives improve apparent coefficient digestibility of experimental diets and diets supplemented with estimated level of 2.13-2.36% autolysated yeast shows better digestibility.


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