Probability of emigration of amazonian catfish fishers: a management approach


  • Adriana Rosa CARVALHO State University of Goiás. Laboratory of Ecological Research and Science Education. Post doc research of Environmental Evaluation Unit, Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences at University of Cape Town, South Africa)
  • José Fernandes BARROS Sociólogo e pesquisador do PYRÁ -  Programa Integrado em Recursos Aquáticos da várzea, Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus, Brasil. - Sociologist,reserach of PYRÁ -  Integrated Program in Aquatic resources of the floodplain, at University of Amazon, Manaus, Brazil


êxodo ambiental, Brachyplatystoma sp, pescador de bagre amazônico, caracterí­­sticas socioeconômicas, gestão da pesca, gestão compartilhada


This study aimed to determine the probability of emigration for Amazonian catfish fishers. The survey was performed from August 2002 to May 2003 and 2,105 fishers were interviewed. The main channel of Solimões-Amazon River was divided in five regions with distinct socio-economic, institutional and fishing characteristics. A logistic regression model was applied to verify which one of those features would influence the estimated probability of emigration through the entire river channel and to each region. Results indicate low probability of emigration in the channel and to all regions, but mainly in Estuary (P = 0.1) which has the best organizational structure and job opportunities. The likelihood of emigration slightly increases upstream. Consequently, Tabatinga had the higher probability of environmental exodus (P = 0.5). The fishers most likely to emigrate were those who have lived in the community for shorter period of time, as well as the recent entrants into the fishing activity and those not affiliated to Colony of Fishers. Since this result was converse to the overall fisheries management agency expectancies, the importance of co-management arrangements including the fisher’s perspectives and interest was briefly discussed, in opposition to the early traditional management view, which is focused just on the fish stocks.


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