Traceability management system for the mussel supply chain


  • Charles SÜHNEL Pesquisador - Mestre em Ciência de Alimentos -  UFSC
  • Fernando Augusto da Silva CRUZ Professor Dr. -  Depto. de Informática / CTC / UFSC
  • Luiz Henrique BEIRÃO Professor PhD. -  Depto. de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos / CCA / UFSC


mussel, supply chain, food quality, methodology of traceability


The increase in the globalization of food chain, combined with recently occurring deflagrations of sprouting diseases, has resulted in intensified interests on the subjects of necessary food security. All the stages of the production chain, industrialization, and distribution of mollusk need to be tracked, aiming to guarantee product quality. Programs of traceability for the stages of the production chain are essential for logistic and the management of the aquaculture. The implementation of traceability systems requires the development, the test and the validation of its methodologies of application. The objective of this work was to consider a methodology for the traceability of the production chain of the mussel culture. As case study, a system of management of traceability was created to validate the methodology proposal. Through this system, it is now possible to verify the effectiveness of the methodology proposal. This adaptive methodology can be applied to other species as well in the near future.


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