( Selective catching of sagüiru, Curimatus gilberti Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 ( Osteichthyes, Curimatid ), by employing mono filament Gill- nets, in Ponte Nova Reservoir, Tiête River, São Paulo State, Brazil )


  • Jair Duarte RODRIGUES Pesquisador Cientí­­fico - Seção de Controle e Orientação da Pesca - Divisão Interior - Instituto de Pesca
  • Elmar Cardozo CAMPOS Pesquisador Cientí­­fico - Seção de Controle e Orientação da Pesca - Divisão Interior - Instituto de Pesca
  • Arlete MOTA Pesquisador Cientí­­fico - Seção de Controle e Orientação da Pesca - Divisão Interior - Instituto de Pesca - Bolsista do CNPq
  • Nelson de Souza RODRIGUES Pesquisador Cientí­­fico - Seção de Aquicultura - Divisão Interior - Instituto de Pesca




The selectivity curve of gill-nets, employed to catch "saguiru", Curimatus gilberti, in Ponte Nova Reservoir, Tietê River, São Paulo State, Brazil, was determined according Gulland (1969). The observed results are:

c*(L)= e-0.129l(L í  1.6194 m)2


c*(L)= relative frequency of retention

L = total length of the fish

m = perimeter of the mesh.

The relationships between total lengths (and body weights) and the internal perimeter of meshes; the annual reproductive period (Spring and Summer) and the female body lengths at the first sexual maturation period (Lpm = 13.55 cm) were also determined.



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