Reproduction of the "amazonic dwarf-cichlid" Apistogramma cacatuoides, Hoedeman, 1951 (Perciformes: Cichlidae) in laboratory


  • Fillipe Caetano Marcassi ALVES Mestre em Aq-­¼icultura e Pesca, Instituto de Pesca
  • Nilton Eduardo Torres ROJAS Pesquisador Cientí­­fico, Instituto de Pesca.
  • Elizabeth ROMAGOSA Pesquisadora Cientí­­fica, Instituto de Pesca


ornamental fish, reproduction, captivity, cichlid, Apistogramma


Apistogramma cacatuoides belongs to the Cichlidae family and is native to the Amazon Basin and currently explored by extractive fishing. Due to male coloration standard, it is considered a valued species as ornamental fish. The experiment was conducted in the laboratory of the Instituto de Pesca - APTA/SAA-SP. Initially 12 couples were kept individually in aquariums (Phase 1). Aspects of reproduction were characterized: 1) age of first spawning, 2) number of spawnings per female, 3) number of eggs released, 4) survival of the larvae within 15 days of life and 5) proportion between the sexes. The ovipositions were in shelters where the female care for eggs and larvae until they become free swimming. Larvae with 15 days of life were separated from their parents and transferred to other aquariums (Phase 2) in which they were kept until the juvenile stage, to ascertain the proportion between the sexes and survival rate. Water parameters as, pH, conductivity, alkalinity, calcium and oxygen dissolved were measured in the aquariums of the reproducers. The first spawning was, on average, with 214.7 ± 30.6 days, the females performed between 1 and 12 ovipositions, releasing 95 to 1,410 eggs. After 15 days, the average survival rate of larvae was 34% and the proportion between the sexes of juveniles was 1.6 female:1 male. The fish culture of A. cacatuoides in captivity is viable and may provide an effective decrease of natural resources captures, protecting the endemic species in their natural habitat.


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